Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Daily Green's 7 Habits of Effective Gardeners

Just a quick post to let you know about a wonderful resource, The Daily Green. Today's tips include 7 tips for having a green, yet water wise and organic garden.

These are:
1) Make Compost
2) Use Compost
3) Plant Crops in Wide Beds
4) Mulch
5) Feed the Soil, Not the Plants
6) Share Something
7) Be There

For complete details on these, check out their site, http://www.thedailygreen.com/green-homes/blogs/organic-gardening/gardening-tips-460109?src=nl&mag=tdg&list=dgr&kw=ist

I am going to highlight #6, "Share Something!"

As they point out, there are always people and groups in need. One of the ways to help is Plant A Row For The Hungry. The Garden Writers Association started this for vegetable gardeners to give away their extra produce to those in need.

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